Giving Land Back

Land is our Country

Country is us, it is everything.

From Country comes the opportunity for

Aboriginal people to grow, connect

and be complete.

Never given away

Today, there are hundreds of thousands

of individual titles of freehold land in Tasmania. 

Not one was ever ceded.

For the first time ever lutruwita/Tasmania’s Aboriginal Community is asking for help to return land that was never ceded.

The spirit of giving…back.

For over 200 years, Aboriginal people have petitioned Government for the return of our lands.

Since 1995, we have had some success, with scattered parcels of Crown Land returned to our Aboriginal ownership.

But with less than 1% of Tasmania’s landmass returned as Aboriginal Land, everybody knows that more needs to be done.

You can help.

Giving Land Back is our invitation for your support, to help return private freehold land into Aboriginal ownership.

  • Give a tax deductible donation so we can raise the funds needed to purchase important blocks of land.
  • Gift land directly to the Aboriginal Community for us to steward, manage and share.
  • Bequest land or funding in your will, to secure future returns and justice for Aboriginal people.

What it means to us?

For Aboriginal people, Country is everything. From Country comes the opportunity to connect with culture and build Community.

With access to land that we own and manage, we can create opportunities. Opportunities to build capacity within our people, to share knowledge, to heal and to help each other.

Aboriginal land that has been returned is actively managed by rangers, trained in protecting natural and cultural values, managing fire and engaging visitors.

Regular camps and Community days are organised, to allow people to connect with each other, share culture and become familiar with Country.

Through Country, we connect to our ancestors and help the next generation understand exactly what it means to be Aboriginal.

Why it is now yours.

In 1803, 100% of lutruwita, its islands and sea were owned by palawa/pakana people, the original Tasmanians. For over 40,000 years, Aboriginal people maintained and sustainably managed lutruwita, its land and sea.

History demonstrates that all that changed – suddenly and catastrophically for our people.

Aboriginal people who survived the Black War were exiled to offshore islands to languish in squalid conditions.

Some were deceived, promised return to their ancestral lands by Conciliator George Augustus Robinson on behalf of the Governor he represented.

Too many died.

In the end, all of Tasmania was appropriated by the Crown.

Despite Robinson’s treaty, much of this land was then given away in land grants. Over time, it has been subdivided and registered as private freehold titles.

Not one was ever ceded.

Today, every one of these titles is privately owned. They’re owned by everday people, family businesses, companies and trusts.

All hold Aboriginal values and significance to Aboriginal people and we’re seeking your help to get some back.

We’re not here to take it, beacuse that’s what happend to us.  

We’re here to ask for your help, to buy some back and restore some justice.


“This morning I developed my plans to the chief and explained to him the benevolent views of the government towards himself and his people…I was commissioned by the Governor to inform them that, if the natives would desist from their wonton outrages upon the whites, they would be allowed to remain in their respective districts.” George Augustus Robinson

A word from the Council

“In 200 years, the Aboriginal Community has achieved much. We have reclaimed our identity, revived our language, rebuilt our community and recovered some land.

Most of this has been achieved with the support of others, good people from across Tasmania and around the world.

We are an independent people and we don’t ask for help lightly.

Giving Land Back is our ask of ordinary people to help us take another step towards justice, equality and opportunity

We’re inviting you to help our campaign to recover more land, to procure important titles of private freehold land for the use and benefit of Aboriginal people for all time.”

Michael Mansell – Aboriginal Land Council of Tasmania 



Make a tax-deductible donation to build our acquisition fund and purchase blocks of important land when they hit the market. This fund can augment other forms of funding and make private land purchases a reality.


Transfer ownership of a freehold title directly to the Aboriginal Land Council of Tasmania, to hold in trust for Aboriginal people in perpetuity.

Contact us to discuss your land and arrange a meeting.


Leave a gift of either land or money in your will to build our capacity and deliver land justice and reconciliation long into the future.